KINGDOM-MIND THOUGHT WITH PURPOSE: The day of the Kingdom Citizens is the new paradigm shift that will either condemn ministries to be "wilderness wanderers" or grow #BiggerFasterLeadership" The Kingdom of God must be activated with a greater understanding of what Kingdom Citizenship means in The Body of Christ. Who is a Kingdom Citizen? Ther are many words used in the Word of God to identify God's Chosen people, the term "Saint" is used most often (96 times) and carries some of the greatest revelations of God's plans and purpose for His people both today and in the future - (Ephesians 2:7, 19). The Greek word hagios is translated 62 times as "Saint (Strong's Concordance (G40). It is translated 101 times as "holy" and 93 times as Holy Spirit" (hagios pneuma. It is translated "sanctuary" three times (Robert Youngs Analytical Concordance to the Bible). The Word means "holy, separate, set apart." A ...