Spiritual Warfare for the Family
Core Values Of A Marriage

Ecclesiastes 4:9 (KJV)
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour।

1. Everything we do must point people to the Lordship of Jesus.

Truth of the Word leads people to the One who is .Truth We must deepen people's relationship with Jesus, not make them dependent on us, See people and situations through eyes of faith

2. Powerhouse homes flow in the power of the Holy Spirit.

After believers are born-again, there is a second, distinct experience in which the Holy Spirit empowers believers (Acts 1:8)

The power of the Holy Spirit changes the believer from within (Fruit of the Spirit) and flows
out through the believer (Gifts of the Spirit)

Lasting change comes spiritually, not intellectually

3. Marriage is a covenant relationship.

It reflects the covenant relationship between Jesus and the Church
Each covenant partner agrees to be faithful no matter what the other one does It is unconditional
It is until death

4. Marriage between a man and a woman is the basis for God's plan for family.

God intends for family to produce healthy sons and daughters in the image of their Father
All aspects of family life flow from and relate back to the marriage relationship
Addressing family issues must include developing a healthy marriage

5. We are to make disciples of all nations.
Discipling is more than disseminating information
Discipling includes training, modeling and accountability– modeling is a transparent demonstration of process rather than perfection in the lives of the discipler
Discipling is based in relationship

6. We are to produce fruit with the seed of reproducibility.

We are all to bear fruit and multiply - Our role in the earth is to give to others what God gives to us
Although gifts and talents of people vary, others must be able to duplicate each model produced
Everyone who ministers in MMI should be making disciples at the same time

7. When a couple marries, their individual call and destiny are blended together
Both husband and wife are equally called of God -We are responsible to seek out those who will disciple us in our call. Each spouse needs to respect, honor, and nurture the gifts and talents of the other
Couples need to be taught how to blend their gifts and talents to equip them in the synergism of a one-flesh team

8. Homes are points of outreach to a lost world.
Marriage and family reflect God's relationship to His Church -Marriage Mentoring leaders are ordinary couples demonstrating the power of God in our homes, jobs, and lives
We are to teach couples how to reach their neighborhoods, communities, and other spheres of influence

9. God views families generationally.
Decisions and actions of one generation affect successive ones
One generation has the power in Jesus to stop generational curses
One generation has the ability to perpetuate blessings generationally
Christians must think and plan generationally

10. We are an army.
We have an objective and a mission
We need to honor spiritual authority to be in spiritual authority
We need to recognize and honor the different roles of those serving in the army
We must be dedicated to fighting until we see victory manifested
We are not individual soldiers who get to pick and choose with whom, when and where we will serve

Renew Your Mind: Genesis 2:18 (KJV) “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” When the marriage is crumbling, there is nothing else to fill that particular “emptiness”. God created man for a mate.

a) Know Your Mate.
b) Your Mate is affecting you.
c) Your Mate grows your weaknesses or your strengths
d) Your Mate multiplies your agitation or your peace.
e) Your Mate is helping to create the climate of torture or triumph at your house.

“Never Give Up”


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