Salt & Light Engage the Culture

You are a child of the light, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation ... you shine in the world.
Today 'Seed:
"Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don't make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won't be applauding." Matthew 6:1 (MSG)

If you grew up anywhere near Baptists, you probably remember the children's Sunday school song, "This Little Light of Mine." The intention behind the song is good. God's character must shine through our lives if we are to be effective change-agents for the Kingdom. But if we are supposed to be salt and light, why does Jesus caution His disciples otto practice righteousness in front of others? You might respond, "Well, He is really talking about pride. We should do God's will without displaying it." You would be right, if that's what this verse means. Unfortunately, the English doesn't capture the Hebrew idiom here. Once we understand the idiom, we will have a greater insight into Jesus' warning.

The Greek verb eleemosunen encompasses the entire English phrase, "practice your righteousness." But this is really a Jewish idiom, not an exhortation toward personal ethics. The idiom is about acts of charity. In other words, practicing righteousness is a shorthand way of recalling the three required acts of religious observance - charity, prayer and fasting. Jesus is not telling His disciples to avoid these things. He is telling them that their motivation for doing them is not to be governed by public display. This is about the manner and motive, not about the act itself. So, Jesus is really saying, "Pray, fast and give without the intention to be recognized for what you are doing." Does this mean that we are to pray, fast and give entirely in secret. Yes, if that's what it takes to keep our egos down. But no, not if we have already settled the issue of recognition. Do everything for the audience of One. Let Him be glorified - and the rest of it will work itself out without another thought.

Are we to pray, fast and give with a reward in mind? Yes, we are. But the reward that we have in mind is not celebrity status as a great religious person. The reward is to hear the words, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. Enter into your master's joy."

Notice that Jesus assumes that His disciples will perform these Jewish religious rites. Not once does He suggest they are no longer required. Prayer, fasting and charity are essential for growth in godliness. Why? Because they put aside our agendas and focus our actions on God's agenda. Just doing them brings us closer to Him. The issue that Jesus addresses is why we do them, not if we do them.

Do you want to increase your righteousness today? Do you want to do those things that emulate God's character and draw you closer to Him? Then pray, fast and give. It actually doesn't matter how you feel about praying, fasting and giving. Do them no matter how you feel about doing them. Just remember to clear the motivation issue first. Do them for Him - and the rest will be easy.

Keyword: practice righteousness, pray, fast, give, eleemosunen, Matthew 6:1

The fact is, culture eats strategy for lunch. You can have a good strategy in place but if you don't have the culture and the enabling system, the [negative] culture of the organization will defeat the strategy."] --Dr. Samuel Chand

Renew Your Mind

"Understanding is the Master Key that unlocks the doors to all your goals ambitions and desires. Its is the ability to interpret life as God sees it-- the ability to see the total picture that God sees of a person or situation"
--Dr. Mike Murdock, The Wisdom Center

1 John 1:7 (MSG) But if wewalk in the light, God himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God's Son, purges all our sin.

Ephesians 5:8-9 (HCSB) 8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.Walk as children of light- 9 for the fruit of the light resultsin all goodness, righteousness, and truth-


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